Saturday, January 10, 2009


With the new year comes new challenges and experiences. I have been writing seriously for seven years now and in that time I have never once entered one of the many contests offered by RWA chapters. When I stop to wonder why I haven't done so, I'm a little perplexed. OK, sure, there is the inevitable guarantee of rejection. Some judge is NOT going to like my submission and perhaps that judge has a bad day and decides to tell me exactly what she thinks. That's going to happen, and when it does -- oooooh doggie. But here's the thing: so what? For every negative feedback I receive, I am sure to receive twice as many positive. So, positive doesn't necessarily mean praise but it does mean feedback that I can use to my advantage.

So here's the deal. This year I am going to enter several contests. I have some picked out and I am narrowing them down. I'll keep you up to date on the ones I enter. 

Also, I am working on publishing a website, so look for that in the future. 

New year, new challenges. 


Wendy said...

I think that's a great idea! Certainly all writers have opinions on contests (some are big supporters, others not so much) - but I've read lots of testimonials from newly published writers who said that got invaluable feedback from entering contests.

And hey, like all things in life - you take some of that feedback to heart, and other feedback you toss aside LOL

EP said...

Good for you! That sounds like an awesome idea!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with the contest, Emily!

Keli Gwyn said...

I admire your courage, Emily. Putting our work out there to be judged can be tough, but I've learned so much from contest judges.

I've entered four of my completed manuscripts in a number of contests (36 entries to date) and have received great feedback. Sure, not all of it was glowing praise of my incredible talent :-) but what I received was valuable input that has helped me take my writing from newbie-lousy to a place where I now place.

I wish you well as you embark on this adventure in entering contests. May you learn lots, place often, have fun--and get an agent or editor's attention.

Emily said...

Thank you ladies for your comments. It's quite nice to have validation from other people. It definitely inspires a bit of confidence!